The Queensland Studies Authority and ACARA determine the Curriculum that is required to be taught in all Queensland schools. As such, the QSA and ACARA curriculum documents form the basis of all the secular subjects taught at St Mary’s School. The following LEARNING AREAS (LAs) are addressed throughout the school:
o Religious Education
o English
o Mathematics
o HASS (Humanities and Social Science)
o Science
o Technology
o The Arts
o Health and Physical Education
o LOTE (Japanese)
o Music
Where practicable, an integrated approach is used across the learning areas. Teachers undertake co-operative planning and teaching in modern flexible learning spaces.
Home and the family are the first environments where children take their initial steps in their life long Faith journey. The role of St Mary’s Primary School is to support parents and families and the parish in the responsibility for passing on the Faith to their children. Parent participation in all aspects of the School’s Religious Education Program is encouraged.
Please click on the Religion tab on the Home page for more information.
All children are encouraged to participate in sporting activities while at school. Years Prep to 6 undertake structured physical education programs that promote coordination, fitness, individual and team skills and formal games.
Swimming lessons are conducted as part of the Health and Physical Education program at the city pool. Availability of pool time determines which classes attend lessons. The purpose of school swimming lessons is for water safety and water confidence. For this reason, it is necessary that all children attend swimming lessons unless prevented due to a medical condition.
Our children have the opportunity to compete at intra and inter school sport activities. Children are placed in four sports houses and remain in those houses during their time at St Mary's.
During Terms 1 and 4 our Year 5 and 6 classes participate in inter school sport organised by the Maryborough Primary School Sports Association. A variety of winter and summer sports are played.
Our school aims to expose students to a variety of technologies as part of their development as life-long learners. To this end, a strategic plan is in place to address technology related in all areas of school life. Students have access to computers and iPads and to interactive whiteboards. ICT is integrated in most Learning Areas.
Children in all year levels participate in activities exploring both the VISUAL and the PERFORMING ARTS which encompasses DANCE and DRAMA. Our specialist ARTS teacher works with each class weekly in the SMARTS Centre. Each term has a different focus strand of the QSA ARTS Syllabus so that all year levels have opportunities to explore and achieve in Visual Arts, Dance and Drama throughout the year.
In Years 4 to 6 instrumental music instruction in strings, brass, woodwind and percussion is available. Children in these classes are also able to participate in St Mary’s School Band and Ensemble programs. The instrumental music program allows children to be exposed to a variety of band instruments as well as the opportunity to play these to performance standard. An extra cost is involved when children participate in the instrumental music program. Details of fees may be found in the section on school fees. Other details concerning the instrumental music program are available from the school office.
St Mary’s also offers an extensive junior and senior choir program. Again, these lessons attract costs above the annual school fees.
St Mary’s students perform in our local eisteddfod each year both individually and with school groups in singing, music and verse.
Arts Council and similar performances visit our school at various times throughout the year.
The school’s recommendation is that homework is given. However, teachers are at liberty to design homework tasks that reflect the needs of the children in their classes. Normally teachers will outline their homework procedures at their Parent/Teacher Information Night held at the beginning of each year. At other times parents should consult their child’s teacher in order to familiarise themselves with the procedure in each class. Parents are expected to support teachers in their supervision of homework.
Reading is an essential activity for the promotion of positive learning and it is expected that every child will read for a short time every night.
In the first few weeks of the school year, Parent Information Nights are held for each class for the purpose of acquainting Parents with Teachers’ expectations for the coming year and to assist in the opening of positive communication channels between school and home. At least one Parent or Guardian is strongly urged to attend these meetings.
It is our policy that children’s development and progress is assessed continuously throughout the year. A variety of methods of assessment are employed, including:
o Anecdotal records
o Checklists
o Work sampling
o Observation
o Conferencing
o Written and oral testing
As difficulties arise every attempt will be made to bring these to your attention as soon as possible.
Written progress reports are provided at the end of each semester. At the end of first semester at least one of the child’s parents or guardians should attend a Parent/Teacher conference for reporting purposes. An opportunity for a second interview in Semester 2 will also be offered.
© Brisbane Catholic Education St Mary's Primary Maryborough (2023)